The news report claimed that the rise in minimum wage, the PST and fuel tax increase, cold snap in California and a stunted growth in the province were to blame for the increase.
Seriously, that is crazy. Let's take a closer look at the reasons given.
1. Minimum wage increase: The minimum wage increase came into affect on October 2013 and the Statistics Canada figures were for September 2013.
2. The PST (Provincial Sales Tax) increase. There is no PST applied to fresh vegetables. The only place you're going to pay tax on food is if you go to a restaurant and order dinner that has been cooked for you. It is no longer fresh, if it is prepared for you.
3. Fuel tax increase. Okay, I'll give them that. Wholesalers pass on the buck for fuel on imported goods travelling from warmer climates. To avoid the passing of the buck buy local. At the farmer's market you can pick up a bag of potatoes for significantly less than you can find at the local grocery store that has travelled across the country or over the border.
4. Cold snap in California. There is always a cold snap in California according to the news that it is starting to sound like an excuse. Buy local or better yet grow your own vegetables! Yup, even in the winter you can access vegetables.
5. Stunted growth. Say what? Yes, by Winnipeg standards July was a wee bit on the chilly side. But that hardly killed the growing season. Things did heat up just a little later than we're normally used to. But each year offers up different vegetables in abundance. Last year the spaghetti squash did not flourish in the dry hot summer. This year the spaghetti squash thrived and yielded more than I could possibly eat on my own!
Hmmm, so what is really behind the 23.5% increase?