Friday, 28 December 2012

Christmas Left-overs

What to do with left-overs? You can re-heat and eat but that just gets boring after a couple of repeats. I came home with left-over broccoli and mash potatoes after no one stepped up.

The other day I made Broccoli, Bacon and Cheddar Quiche with a Mash Potato Crust. There are tons of recipes out there on the world wide web for different versions of mash potato crusted quiche. Here is my version:

I just brushed the pan with olive oil, filled with mash potatoes, brushed with more olive oil and baked in the oven until it started to brown.

Then I added a layer of bacon, broccoli, 6 eggs seasoned and a splash of milk before adding on top of the crust. Then I topped with cheddar cheese before baking for 30 minutes.

Mighty. Fine. Quiche. And gluten-free too!

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